
My childhood was in upstate New York. I was raised in a suburb, and am very close with my parents and two sisters. My friends in high school held up “free hugs” signs and ditched gym class to stare at clouds.

I’ve lived in Vermont, Atlanta, Israel & Palestine, have traipsed across Europe and Asia, and am currently base-jumping between the Bay Area and New England.

In 2020 I became intensely unwell with depression. Finally lifting out of that darkness, I realized a fervent passion for the remedies of so much of modern pain: human connection, self love and empowerment, embodied presence, and spirit-driven inspiration.

BodyPrayer was born, and became the colorful basket that holds my professional offerings and collaborations.



I have listened deeply and taken in wisdom from incredible teachers. I am endlessly grateful for this.

Some of my most influential trainings have included:
-Re-Embodiment Training - The Everything Space 
-Wheel of Consent Intensive - Betty Martin
-Embodied Leadership Course - Strozzi Institute 
-Somatic Abolitionism Course - Resmaa Menakem
-Cuddlist Training - Cuddlist 
-Urban Tantra Professional Training Program - Urban Tantra
-Sacred Sexuality Program - International School of Temple Arts
-Magdalena Priestess Program - Winter Jade Icely
-Nonviolent Communication Immersion Program - Bay NVC
-Conflict Mediation Training - Mediation Matters

I have completed mentorships with Zahava Griss, Clara Gomez Santos, and Sharu.

And… I have mentored informally with beloved friends, a bear, and friendly drunks on the street.

Before entering the coaching world, I worked in the fields of restorative justice, prison reform, and multicultural education. These experiences remain close to my heart. My paradigm around personal healing is deeply tied to the societal, the cultural, and the collective.


Realms where my studies have delved

Somatics: authentic movement, embodied vocalization, contact improvisation, Liquidanza water dancing, intuitive eating & transcending diet culture, expressive arts.

Relational & Emotional Health: conscious kink, Circling relational meditation, co-regulation, conflict mediation, the Wheel of Consent, shadow work, Nonviolent Communication.

Culture & Justice: Emergent Strategy, Somatic Abolitionism, disability justice, restorative justice, liberatory childrearing, intentional community living, conscious entrepreneurship.

Spirituality & Magic: eco-sensuality, energy work, Tantra and sacred sexuality, psychedelic medicine work, grief ritual work, practical animism, meditation.

For the past decade, I’ve facilitated transformative, connection-centered group experiences and worked with individuals to help them thrive. It has been fulfilling beyond my wildest dreams… And I’m just getting started.

Will you join me?