The Goddess Temple:
A Ritual of Reverence, Healing, and Erotic Aliveness
Saturday, October 26th
Florence, Massachusetts
6-9 pm
The strip club. The harem.
The age-old space of illicit pleasures and exchange.
Returning in a new form.
Centering reverence, presence, connection.
Here, we honor your desires. Your curiosity.
You honor our wisdom. Our power. Our beauty.
Come, wanderers.
We will feed you.
Welcome to The Goddess Temple.
This is a ritual for connecting with Her.
The one with many names.
The Maiden. The Mother. The Destroyer. The Nurturer. The Transformer. The Creator. The Giver of Life.
Seek her.
Cherish her.
Lay flowers at her feet.
Admire her.
Pray to her.
Bring her gifts.
Ask for her counsel.
Whisper your secrets.
Your vulnerable truths.
Give her your gratitude.
Your reverent respect.
For in return, she will make your life a fantasy.
She will show you endless beauty.
And guide you with inspiration.
She will nurture your wounds and kiss your tears.
She will help you remember the wisdom of the earth.
She will tell you the truth in a language your body understands.
She will hold you as you transform.
She will dance and cry and laugh wildly with you.
She will show you ecstasy.
She will show you freedom.
This is the sacred exchange, where we all receive.
May each of us get what we need.
Part I.
Summoning through the gates,
to gaze, with permission, upon the goddesses.
The secret is this: our own bodies are the temple doors.
Bow to them in respect, and you may find yourself on sacred ground.
Part II.
Each goddess will channel a unique energy or archetype, offering her own flavor of healing, blessing, challenge or play.
Choose your own adventure, and dive deep with the mysteries that call to you.
Whether you need to be tenderly held, or shown a mirror of truth, we have medicine for you.
Part III.
Our ritual will culminate in fiery surrender to the goddesses. Leave your numbness behind, and commit to the Goddess’ path of erotic aliveness. We will have an ecstatic rebirth, leaving you nurtured, awakened, and forever transformed.
This experience is crafted to center profound connection, growth, and liberation. You will be guided with clear instructions the entire time, in a safe, secure container.
Let us take the lead.
Space is limited to 15 participants total.
Tickets are on a sliding scale basis. We wish to make this magical work accessible to a wide range of backgrounds, while honoring the value this work. Please choose the level of offering that feels exciting and right for you!
$90-$200 / Sustainer.
$250-$350 / Supporter.
$400-$550 / Patron.
We have three work exchange tickets available. Please indicate on your interest form if you would like one of these tickets.
We will be at the Hidden Temple in Florence, Massachusetts. It is a gorgeous space!
Our ritual will begin at 6pm, and will close at 9pm. Please plan to arrive shortly before 6:00.
Gourmet refreshments will be served upon arrival.
Come into the presence of six powerful and attentive priestesses, trained extensively in ritual and somatic healing arts.
This is an evening you will not forget;)
With devotion,
Your goddesses
Part I.
Participants will arrive and be greeted by an Usher, who will invite you to step into the archetype of “The Seeker.” The ones seeking clarity, meaning, and inspiration.
The Usher will guide you to the Goddesses standing at their altars. You may approach whichever Goddess you feel drawn to, and bow to ask permission to approach. Only one Seeker can approach a Goddess at a time. If she welcomes you, you will enter a nonverbal energetic exchange. She will decide what to show you. She will decide on her level of coverage or nudity. And in return, you will offer your appreciation and respect. All of this will take place without words and without touch. Eyes only. You will remain clothed this entire time.
Either you or the Goddess can bring the exchange to a close with a gentle bow.
Part II.
Each Goddess will offer a unique experience, and you can go to whichever offerings you feel drawn to - choose your own adventure. One Seeker per Goddess at a time.
The experiences might be The Divine Mother offering to hold you, caress you, and tell you loving words while you whisper your fears into her ear. It might be Artemis the Huntress, forcing you to announce your commitment to the natural world. It might be Venus, offering to worship the parts of your body you struggle to accept.You will have a mini immersion with one goddess at a time, and the interactions will be emergent within each goddess’ container. Each will have different invitations and will hold her own boundaries, so they may vary from person to person. Each ritualist is trained in somatic attunement and will guide you in navigating consent with clear intuition.
As a whole container, we will hold the boundary that there will be no stimulation with the intention of building toward orgasm. We’re going for a sensual vibe. More “advanced” Goddess Temples are in the works - send Liv a message if you’d like to be in the loop ;)
Part III.
The details of our closing are still forming; many of the closings of Liv’s sessions emerge based on what feels right for the moment, as we close our unique group journey together. All needs and nervous systems will be deeply held <3
Mostly not. You will all be on your own individual journeys, within the shared space. When you are not interacting with a Goddess, there will be a place in the center of the room to meditate and integrate your experiences. You may encounter other “Seekers” in that space, and are invited to stay present with your own internal experience. A warm, mutually supportive demeanor is of course encouraged.
Yes! This would be a powerful experience to share with a partner and integrate together afterward. Doing the journey, however, we ask that you stay in your individual experiences.
This will be a dynamic space with multiple different interactions happening simultaneously. It is understandable if you see or hear something that feels edgy or distasteful! We want to encourage a “live and let live” mentality, knowing that consent is happening between the Goddess and Seeker directly involved. We invite you into a sense of support for others’ processes, knowing that they may have different needs than you and are on their own journey <3
There may be loud sounds of emotional release. Please orient your nervous system, knowing this is a space for raw expression.
If you notice something happening that you think is out of bounds, you are welcome to inform the Temple Keeper. -
There will be a comfortable space set up for you to ground and meditate quietly. You can go there anytime and stay as long as you like.
There will also be a “Temple Keeper” you can go to if you need to co-regulate or ask a question.This said, we highly encourage you to bring your true self to the Goddesses. They are there to hold you. Tell them if you are feeling nervous, if you’re feeling contracted or feeling grief coming up, and they will guide you. The purpose of this whole experience is to connect you with embodied awareness and truth <3 Your feelings are safe here.
We will send a follow-up email to all participants, including any professional offerings from the Goddesses - all of whom are healers and artists. You are encouraged to continue journeying with them in professional containers.
No late arrivals. You may leave early if necessary, but we do encourage you to stay for the duration of the group’s shared container.
Offerings for the Goddesses are most welcome!! Flowers and paper contributions are lovely :)
Please also bring a journal. We will provide tea, water and chocolate.
We will not be providing dinner, so come well fed. We will feed you abundantly - emotionally & energetically.Come wearing elegant but comfortable “temple” attire. You are standing at the feet of Goddesses! Silk robes and linen shirts are encouraged. There is a room for you to change upon arrival if needed.
This is a substance-free space. Eros-altered states are potent enough <3
There is a large free parking lot at the Industrial Arts building where this event is taking place.
Feeling called to the Temple?
Please submit the following interest form, to reflect on your alignment with this experience. Not all are prepared to walk through the temple doors…