Culture shifting.


“Liv is a powerhouse of love and creation.”

— I.T, artist and sex worker

“You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees

for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body

love what it loves.”

— Mary Oliver


Pleasure to meet you.

I’m Liv.


My days include… 

Delicious cuddles, deep-dive conversations; basking in relationships, family and community; moving my body; swooning at beautiful food; singing/harmonizing; laying in the sun; scheming up creative offerings; nerding out about esoteric teachings; diving into somatic practices; wrapping myself in blankets; wondering how to heal our colonized world; grieving & praising & reveling at pine trees.

I dance at the crossroads of spirituality, somatics, and justice work. 

Would you like to join me here?

Relationship Coaching

Foster the web of relationships that makes you grateful to be human.

Somatic Nourishment for Women

An intimate journey of embodied healing and care, from one woman to another.

Solo or Partner Medicine Journeys

A deep dive into the wild ethers that hold timeless wisdom for our individual paths and for our connections.

Business Support for Somatic Practitioners

Embodied Empowerment Sessions

Unlock your deepest life desires, and release the blockages preventing you from stepping towards them.

Workshops & Retreats

I am here for the holy wholeness.

I guide people in feeling more alive, more inspired, more self loving and more free.